












喔喔喔還真的有講耶!而且還說這是引自《The Meditations The Selections from the Principles of Philosophy》!

問題來了。《The Selections from the Principles of Philosophy》的原文。裡頭的確有” Thus, all Philosophy is like a tree, of which Metaphysics is the root, Physics the trunk, and all the other sciences the branches that grow out of this trunk, which are reduced to three principal, namely, Medicine, Mechanics, and Ethics.”這段大樹論的句子。可是「笛卡兒堅持統一的科學觀,所有科學門類都統一於哲學」這句話的出處在哪裡啊?從該書的原文裡頭完全找不到啊?

趙八成是只看到笛卡兒有將哲學比做大樹的說法,就自己去解讀成笛卡兒認為所有科學門類都統一於哲學吧XD 又是一個蒙古大濕XD



喔喔喔,他說我拿出來的原文是取自《The Selections from the Principles of Philosophy》,可是趙敦華書裡引用的原文是取自《The Meditations The Selections from the Principles of Philosophy》,所以說我根本就拿錯書,連書名都不看就想要砲他!!!莫西亞獲得勝利!!!

Is that right?

他還真白癡到以為笛卡兒寫了兩本不一樣的書,一本叫《The Meditations The Selections from the Principles of Philosophy》,另一本叫《The Selections from the Principles of Philosophy》耶XDXDXD

這是《The Meditations The Selections from the Principles of Philosophy》的原文。這是《The Selections from the Principles of Philosophy》的原文


事實上,《The Meditations The Selections from the Principles of Philosophy》並不是笛卡兒寫的單一著作,而是他寫的”The Meditations on First Philosophy”加上他寫的”The Selections from the Principles of Philosophy”,兩本合一XD 只有完全不看內容的人才會光看書名就誤以為那是兩本不同的書,還沾沾自喜的以為抓住人家的漏洞XD




好吧,我們翻開上頭我引的《The Meditations The Selections from the Principles of Philosophy》這書的第119頁,即趙敦華引用的”all Philosophy is like a tree”那句話所在的那一段︰

After this, that I might lead men to understand the real design I had in publishing them, I should have wished here to explain the order which it seems to me one ought to follow with the view of instructing himself. In the first place, a man who has merely the vulgar and imperfect knowledge which can be acquired by the four means above explained, ought, before all else, to endeavour to form for himself a code of morals, sufficient to regulate the actions of his life, as well for the reason that this does not admit of delay as because it ought to be our first care to live well. In the next place, he ought to study Logic, not that of the schools, for it is only, properly speaking, a dialectic which teaches the mode of expounding to others what we already know, or even of speaking much, without judgment, of what we do not know, by which means it corrupts rather than increases good sense—but the logic which teaches the right conduct of the reason with the view of discovering the truths of which we are ignorant; and, because it greatly depends on usage, it is desirable he should exercise himself for a length of time in practising its rules on easy and simple questions, as those of the mathematics. Then, when he has acquired some skill in discovering the truth in these questions, he should commence to apply himself in earnest to true philosophy, of which the first part is Metaphysics, containing the principles of knowledge, among which is the explication of the principal attributes of God, of the immateriality of the soul, and of all the clear and simple notions that are in us; the second is Physics, in which, after finding the true principles of material things, we examine, in general, how the whole universe has been framed; in the next place, we consider, in particular, the nature of the earth, and of all the bodies that are most generally found upon it, as air, water, fire, the loadstone and other minerals. In the next place it is necessary also to examine singly the nature of plants, of animals, and above all of man, in order that we may thereafter be able to discover the other sciences that are useful to us. Thus, all Philosophy is like a tree, of which Metaphysics is the root, Physics the trunk, and all the other sciences the branches that grow out of this trunk, which are reduced to three principal, namely, Medicine, Mechanics, and Ethics. By the science of Morals, I understand the highest and most perfect which, presupposing an entire knowledge of the other sciences, is the last degree of wisdom.


I have observed, on examining the natural constitutions of different minds, that there are hardly any so dull or slow of understanding as to be incapable of apprehending good opinions, or even of acquiring all the highest sciences, if they be but conducted along the right road. And this can also be proved by reason; for, as the principles are clear, and as nothing ought to be deduced from them, unless most manifest inferences, no one is so devoid of intelligence as to be unable to comprehend the conclusions that flow from them. But, besides the entanglement of prejudices, from which no one is entirely exempt, although it is they who have been the most ardent students of the false sciences that receive the greatest detriment from them, it happens very generally that people of ordinary capacity neglect to study from a conviction that they want ability, and that others, who are more ardent, press on too rapidly: whence it comes to pass that they frequently admit principles far from evident, and draw doubtful inferences from them. For this reason, I should wish to assure those who are too distrustful of their own ability that there is nothing in my writings which they may not entirely understand, if they only take the trouble to examine them; and I should wish, at the same time, to warn those of an opposite tendency that even the most superior minds will have need of much time and attention to remark all I designed to embrace therein.


結果完全命中XD 他果然(本站備份)說我拿錯段XD


WHERE IS THE FUCKING 「笛卡兒堅持統一的科學觀,所有科學門類都統一於哲學」?



在〈黃絲帶流耍賴奧義傳承者mocear(原始版)〉中有 5 則留言

  1. mocear 仍然在自high啊

    同時,最能證明他不看書的鐵證,是他根本搞不懂趙敦華引用的是哪段,趙敦華在西方哲學簡史中引用的是「我們不是從樹根樹幹,而是從樹俏採集果實的,因此,. 哲學的主要功用乃是在於其各部分的分別功用,而這種功用,是我們最後才能學到的。」(引用自The Meditations The Selections from the Principles of Philosophy這本書的119~120頁,這段剛好在119、120之間)
    也就是But as it is not from the roots or the trunks of trees that we gather the fruit, but only from the extremities of their branches, so the principal utility of philosophy depends on the separate uses of its parts, which we can only learn last of all.
    而其前一段,也就是「all Philosophy is like a tree」所在之處,而不是他老兄一直自以為的更前一段。
    (至於為什麼他會一直以為趙敦華引用的是all Philosophy is like a tree…啊知,大概是連看都沒看吧,樹根的英文root寫得那麼清楚在那邊,要看不到也是一種才能)


  2. 問題在 所有人都知道他不是念哲學的
    真的不懂他幹嘛不學馬統 謝謝指教 就好啦


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