先總統 蔣公紀念歌



看了內容後,赫然發現那臭小鬼說的「笑話歌」竟然是此名曲!幹這種侮辱偉大的 蔣公的事情,這小鬼若早生十年早就送綠島管訓了!



在〈先總統 蔣公紀念歌〉中有 16 則留言

  1. 念各縣都有的菜市場名國小的更慘,國中以後的校歌我都不記得,國小的因為常常唱就記起來了。


  2. 是阿,那時這邊一樣可以不經調查不經審判就抓人關人斃人喔。


  3. 唉..紀念歌。

  4. 部隊有句名言: [階級是國家給的, 尊嚴只能用血汗換來. ]
    管仁健在其網頁 [你不知道的台灣]
    有一句針對 [巧克力憲兵] 的超贊評語 : [沒有人能侮辱憲兵, 除了憲兵自己以外]. 說穿了這就是 : [人必自辱, 而後辱之.] 的白話時事註解.

    同理可知, 老蔣的尊嚴和他治國的績效成正比. 這樣您應該滿意.

  5. 蒋中正先生确实是一位了不起的中国人,他领导了抗日战争并取得最后胜利,让中华民族实现了民族独立。




  6. Chiang’s police record in the British-administered International Settlement grew over the years to include murder, extortion, numerous armed robberies, and assorted other crimes. He was indicted on all the listed charges, but was never brought to trial, or jailed.

    [Chiang Kai-shek] abandoned himself to a life of intense dissipation. He would disappear for months from headquarters in the houses of sing-song girls, and for some reason or other he acquired a fiery, uncompromising temper which weighed very tryingly on his friends…He also came into contact with the leaders of the secret societies of Shanghai, which later on became very useful to him in his dealing with the Shanghai capitalists.

    Still unaware that Chiang Kai-shek was their Judas, the Shanghai Communists and KMT labor organizers were anxiously awaiting the arrival of ‘their’ army.

    In an act of calculated treachery, Chiang ordered his army vanguard to stop 25 miles outside Shanghai. Some of the headless bodies that littered the streets of the city clutched handbills that read: ‘WELCOME CHIANG KAI-SHEK, GALLANT COMMANDER OF THE CANTONESE.’

    But Chiang Kai-shek had other ideas. He had to replenish his army’ bankroll. Shanghai’s financiers had regarded him as their savior. Now they discovered to their everlasting dismay that he was to be their tormentor. The White Terror was turned against the wealthy merchants. According to journalist Sokolsky, ‘Every form of persecution was resorted to on the pretext of hunting Communists. Men were kidnapped and forced to make heavy contribution to the military fund..

    Next, Chiang issued his own short-term ‘government’ bonds, and used soldiers and Green Gang toughs to force everyone from small shopkeepers to bank presidents to buy them. When one millionaire refused, his son was kidnapped. Another youth, the son of a dye merchant, was arrested as a ‘counterrevolutionary,’ but released when his father ‘donated’ $200,000 to Chiang.

    Harry Truman said, ‘They are all thieves, every damn one of them. They stole 750 million dollar out of the [$3.8] billion that we sent to Chiang. They stole it, and its invested in real estate down in Sao Paulo and some right here in New York. And that’s the money that was used and is still used for the so-called China Lobby.

    In China, while this FBI investigation was getting under way, the Generalissimo was very busy planning his escape to Taiwan. A man who bombed his own troops to prevent a few weapons and supplies from falling into Communist hands was not about to leave far more significant treasures to the ‘bandits.’ Chiang set his most trusted men to systematically emptying China’s banks, her arsenals, and her museums.

    The people who suffered most were those earnest souls who some how had managed to save US $2,000 worth of gold in the course of a lifetime, and obeyed Chiang’s orders and brought it to government banks on the prescribed day to trade for gold yuans. When their gold yuans became worthless overnight, they could be seen sitting in teashops in Shanghai or Hankow or Canton, in a state of shock, abandoned by the KMT, certain to be persecuted as capitalists by the Communists, sitting without even enough coppers to spirit the wife and children out of the country to Macao or Hong Kong before the roof caved in. They were the last of Chiang’s constituents.

    On an island of such moderate proportions, Chiang’s secret police and armed forces were effective in a way they never had been on the mainland. They gave Taiwan the treatment that Chiang had given Shanghai in Black April 1927.

  7. 秦孝儀版的總統蔣公紀念歌比較好聽,且歌詞較美,我至今都還記得旋律。Wiki的繁中版裡竟備一個混蛋刪了,而簡體版上卻存留著。





  8. [但若非他,中國早就亡了,你我都跟琉球人民無異,成了皇民,不會有人用英文再此大放厥詞,因為只會用日文了。]



    你看的應該是國立殯儀館的歷史課本, 醒醒吧!

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